As BBC4 airs Peter York’s Hipster Handbook, Good With Money launches the Good Guide to Hipster Money, free to download below.
Our free guide looks at the Insta-generation tribe: the “hipster”.

The guide reveals that millennials’ desire to ‘do the right’ thing is not translating to their finances due to lack of choice and transparency, never mind the debt and struggle to get on the housing ladder.
However, hipsters – (or “millennials” under 35 who wear cool clothes, basically) – stand a chance to create a generational shift from inertia to engagement, sorting out their own financial futures and creating a better world at the same time, thanks to new disruptive “fintech” platforms and services, government initiatives to boost savings and the growth of values-based financial services companies.
The guide looks at debt, home buying, saving and investing and digital innovations for people who want to feel flush but don’t feel able to put anything aside and challenges the “might as well spend it” view that dominates the mindset of this generation.
Download the guide FREE here.
Rebecca O’Connor, editor and co-founder of Good With Money says: “The financial circumstances of the hipster tribe are as unique as their dress sense. Unlike any previous generation, they are saddled with debt and hopeless about housing from the moment they step into adulthood. So what do they do? Spend. But their financial future might not be as bleak as they realise. This guide is designed to reignite hope among a generation in despair about their financial futures by giving practical tips that will hopefully enable them to still live the life they want, while taking care of their futures a bit better.”
Anne Boden, CEO of Starling Bank, co-sponsor of the guide, adds: “Being good with money isn’t just about not buying something so you can afford another, but about overall financial wellbeing. At Starling, we believe in the future of money and that millennials – one of the most diverse, mobile-focused, and mindful generations – are looking for solutions that empower them to achieve immediate or longer-term financial goals. This is why we are so pleased to be supporting The Guide to Hipster Money – a great initiative to boost the financial health of young people today.”
Damien Lardoux, Portfolio Manager at EQ Investors, co-sponsor of the guide, said: “The 21st century appears to have delivered a perfect storm of economic uncertainty, social upheaval and environmental change. Many people are questioning whether the traditional approach to investment, which has advocated the accumulation of wealth at almost any cost, is too one dimensional. Can such a singled minded objective really insulate you from the huge challenges we are all facing? The rise of impact investing provides a new way of tackling the world’s most pressing issues while still providing an attractive financial return. It also enables investors to place their money according to their values without having to forgo financial opportunities. In recent years, this approach has become much more prevalent as people consider what the world will look like in the future. It’s turning out to be an appealing investment approach for anyone who is worried about how their money is used.”