There is, perhaps, no word in the English language less sexy than ‘pensions’. Utter it and you are guaranteed to send your listener into a coma – if not fleeing into the sunset, muttering something about having left the oven on.
Despite this, though, pensions are really important. Not only will they help keep us fed and warm in our dotage, pensions are the most powerful tool we all have to change the world for the better.
That’s right! And this is because – while not a lot people know this – if you have a pension, YOU-ARE-AN-INVESTOR. Yep! That chunk of money that comes out of your paycheck every month doesn’t go into a rusty cauldron in your employer’s basement, it is in-fact going straight into financial markets.
However, nine times out of ten, these pension savings are going into default investment funds that invest in the biggest companies in financial markets. And this means tobacco firms, oil and gas majors, mining and big banks.
With this, the Good Guide to Pensions, we’re aiming to change all that: to bust the pensions industry wide-open and show that it doesn’t have to be that way.
Sponsored by the UK’s biggest and most responsible auto-enrolment provider – Nest – alongside trailblazing online pensions platform PensionBee and forward thinking fund manager Pictet Asset Management, this guide will help you to make sense of your pension savings and then make them as Good as you are.
Inside the Good Guide to Pensions you will find:
- EXACTLY what workplace and private pensions are, in plain English
- Simple flowcharts to help you figure out where YOUR pension money is
- 18 workplace and private pension providers rated using the Good With Money Good Egg criteria in handy tables
- Performance figures for default and ethical funds at over 13 providers
- All you need to know about Self Invested Personal Pensions and Lifetime ISAs, with investment ideas
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