Many of us scroll through Instagram for some escapism from everyday life – there’s the funny animal memes, motivational quotes, fashion selfies, and food and travel inspiration (or envy). But, did you know it’s fast becoming a go-to place for financial advice?
Whether you want to sort out debt, start saving and investing, or find providers that genuinely put your money to work for the planet’s future as well as your own, you can find plenty of useful practical tips and advice on Instagram – if you look in the right places, of course.
Here are our favourite money-focussed Instagram accounts that will help you on your journey to feel-good financial freedom.
Go Fund Yourself
Run by self-confessed “finance geek” Alice Tapper, Go Fund Yourself makes finance fun and accessible (and most refreshingly, non-judgemental!), with inspiring money hacks and hilarious memes.
She covers earning, saving and investing; closing the gender and ethnic pay gaps; and has campaigned passionately for Buy Now Pay Later schemes to be regulated.
My Meaningful Money
My Meaningful Money, run by blogger Carlotta Lucia, helps you set smart financial goals and find the right providers for you – including aligning your money with your personal values – to help you become “your own money boss.”
You’ll find motivational money quotes, invites to live Meaningful Money podcasts, and top tips on becoming an ethical investor.
Investing for girls
Investing for girls was set up to tackle the fact that, sadly, far fewer women invest than men (not so shocking given how male-oriented the financial world can be).
If you’re a female looking to start investing – especially for a positive impact on the planet – this light-hearted and humorous feed will help give you the confidence and knowledge you need.
My Frugal Year
Clare Seal opens up honest, shame-free conversations about money and debt. In March 2019, she was in £27,000 of credit card debt, and started her anonymous My Frugal Year Instagram account as a way of documenting her journey towards paying it off.
Two years later, she’s revealed her identity, paid off everything she owed and amassed almost 80,000 followers along the way, thanks to her compassionate outlook and practical advice.
Pennies to pounds
Linked to the award-winning Pennies to Pounds podcast, this feed focusses on educating young people about money in a simple (but non-patronising) way to help them get their finances on the right path as early as possible.
We love the short, snappy finance facts such as ‘What are interest rates?’ and ‘What is stamp duty?’ and top tips such as ‘Ways to boost your pension savings.’
Make My Money Matter
The Make My Money Matter campaign – led by Love Actually director Richard Curtis – aims for everyone to have a pension they can be proud of, one which builds a healthy planet, and healthy returns too.
This feed will give you the confidence to question your pension (while highlighting the powerful reasons why you should) so you can make sure it’s working for the planet’s future as well as your own.
Kara Gammell – Your best friend’s guide to cash
Journalist Kara Gammell, Bargain Hunter columnist for the Metro newspaper, shares her everyday money-saving hacks to help you turn pennies into pounds and – hopefully – save more.
Well worth following for useful tips to save your hard-earned cash on travel, food, beauty and household products, children’s activities and more.
Millennial Money UK
Millennial Money UK has build a large Instagram community that is getting millennials talking about money and understanding it better.
It covers housing, taxes, jobs and salaries, and investing with no question seemingly too silly to ask and have answered by experts and others in similar situations to you.
Mary Portas – The Kindness Economy
If you’re building a business, this is a must-follow feed from author and broadcaster Mary Portas. Best known for her retail and business TV shows, and her appointment by former Prime Minster David Cameron to lead a review into Britain’s high streets, Mary hosts ‘The Kindness Economy’ podcasts.
Like her podcasts, her insta feed offers inspirational insight into a value system that considers People, Planet, Profit – in that order.
Jen Gale – Sustainable-ish
Jen Gale, of the wonderful Sustainable-ish blog, helps to making going green easy. She acknowledges that being eco-friendly doesn’t mean being perfect. Instead, she says, lots of smaller actions from all of us can add up to have a much greater impact.
Her insta feed will give you inspiration for manageable changes to your lifestyle and the way you spend your money that make sense AND fit into your busy lifestyle.
Pebble Magazine
Pebble magazine’s insta feed is a treasure trove of sustainable living tips and easy eco swaps to help you live a more planet-friendly life.
It covers home, beauty, travel, food and more, with competitions, giveaways from brand partners to keep things interesting.
No money insta list would be complete without consumer champion Which? in the mix.
With the aim of making life simpler and fairer for everyone, you’ll find lots of money AND planet-saving tips plus recommended brand buys on everything from your weekly shop and water guns to kitchen appliances and pet food.
Ethical Consumer
Ethical Consumer’s feed will change the way you look at the way you shop, live and save money.
It looks behind the label of brands you might have thought you loved to see how they impact people and planet and help you make more sustainable choices.
Charlene Cranny – Economy of Good
Charlene Cranny, founder of Economy of Good, educates people to grow their money and do good at the same time by choosing banks, pensions, savings and investments that care about the same things they do.
Her posts give colourful, jargon-free (hooray!), bite-sized facts and tips on topics such as why women should invest, how to spot greenwash, and switching to a greener pension.
Ethical Unicorn
Run by artist and writer Francesca Willow, Ethical Unicorn is a thought-provoking Insta feed looking at environmental issues, sustainable living, social justice and the power of consumer choice.
Her fact-based posts aim to inspire you to live a more conscious, informed lifestyle and bring some clarity to the sometimes confusing world of ethical living.
Skilled Finances
Husband and wife team Thando and Lindie look at money from a couple’s perspective.
They dive into often-taboo topics such as financial infidelity (when you hide elements of your finances from your partner), and the pressure to keep up with society’s expectations, as well as more mainstream issues such as saving for Christmas, budgeting and paying off debt.
Fempire Finance
Fempire Finance offers daily snippets of financial education, encouragement, and relatable content to help empower and inspire women.
It cuts through the confusion around finance to change women’s money mindsets and improve their habits to start saving and investing.
Don’t forget to follow Good With Money – @goodmoneygirl