“It’s not easy being green”- Kermit the frog.
Many of us started 2022 with resolutions to live more sustainably. However, making lifestyle changes that last isn’t easy. It can involve a lot of learning and mistakes, making it difficult to stay motivated.
Thankfully, there are an increasing number of sustainable living bloggers and influencers who chart their way to conscious living in a refreshingly honest and transparent way.
To keep you inspired on your mission to living more sustainably, here are five of our favourite green lifestyle bloggers:
Jen Gale’s Sustainable-ish blog helps to making going green simple. She acknowledges that being eco-friendly doesn’t mean being perfect. Instead, she says, lots of smaller actions from all of us can add up to have a much greater impact.
Her blog will give you inspiration for manageable changes to your lifestyle and the way you spend your money that make sense AND fit into your busy lifestyle. She says: “I got fed up with the narrative that we can can only make a difference if we live off grid in a yurt and learn to knit our own yoghurt. We all have a huge potential to create positive change, imperfectly.” – We couldn’t agree more.
Sustainably Vegan
With her blog Sustainably Vegan, Immy Lucas aims to help and inspire you to live as “low impact” as possible – with the resources reasonably available to you. Immy believes that living a low impact lifestyle is about finding small ways to change our behaviour, which make a big impact over time.
From learning how to DIY your own hair products and finding budget vegan ingredients to shopping unpackaged and lobbying your local government to change, you’ll learn how to make a difference and find your inner sustainable warrior. We love Immy’s ethos that all you can do is try your best within your means.
Ethical Unicorn
Run by artist and writer Francesca Willow, Ethical Unicorn is a thought-provoking blog looking at environmental issues, sustainable living, social justice and the power of consumer choice.
Her fact-based posts aim to inspire you to live a more conscious, informed lifestyle and bring some clarity to the sometimes confusing world of ethical living.
We love her post the Ultimate beginners’ guide to sustainable living. If you’re asking yourself “Where do I start?”, this guide will help you set out some priorities.
Trying to live sustainably while also raising a family isn’t easy, but Karen Maurice of the n4mummy blog can help you make it not only possible but enjoyable too.
Formerly a buyer in the fashion industry, Karen initially focussed her blog on sustainable clothing but has since branched out to every area of life. From finding affordable ethical clothing brands, to making your bathroom plastic free, or hosting a kids zero waste birthday party, we love how she puts fun and style into making planet-friendly parenting choices.
Ethical Hour
Sian Conway-Wood started her blog ‘Ethical Hour’ after quitting her corporate job in the marketing world. Now an ethical marketing and communications strategist, she uses the blog to share her passion for helping ethical businesses make a difference and inspiring big businesses to think more sustainably.
As well as ethical business, the blog covers ethical living and sustainability. It has a great practical focus, encouraging people to take whatever small steps into living sustainably that they can, and to recognise their power as consumers and citizens. Sian’s aim is to help make businesses a “powerful force for good” and sustainable living easier and more accessible.
Aim Plastic Free
Mia Hadrill created the Aim Plastic Free blog as a discussion place for people who want to quit single use plastic, to provide moral support, inspiration and ideas.
We love that she accepts living 100 per cent ‘plastic free’ or ‘zero waste’ isn’t easy. She talks about the challenges and contradictions and how to navigate them. She says: “Like many of you, I am an urban girl just trying to do my best while making the transition.”
Moral Fibres
Wendy Graham’s Moral Fibres aims to share tips that make sustainable living ‘hip, not hippie’. Since 2013, Wendy has been helping people wanting to go green across all areas of their lives, not just in the kitchen or garden.
Her blog is separated into Life & Style, Food & Drink, Home & Garden, Families, Travel and Resources. She says: “I want to show that sustainable living can be part of everyone’s daily life, whether you wear sandals or prefer a more substantial footwear – Moral Fibres is never preachy, nor judgmental.”
Are there any other green living bloggers you love that we haven’t included here? We’d love to hear about them. Email lori.campbell@good-with-money.com