Leading sustainable and impact investor WHEB has launched the latest edition of its impact calculator: a nifty, industry leading tool that shows you what impact your savings might be having on the world.
For example, had you invested £500 per month (£6,000 for the year) into the FP WHEB Sustainability Fund last year, the calculator shows you would have generated around 11 MWh of renewable energy (or the equivalent to the annual energy use of one European household), avoided 5 tons of CO2e emissions
and distributed 84,000 litres of clean drinking water.
In WHEB’s latest video, partner and head of research at WHEB Seb Beloe tells us all about it.
To find out just how much Good you could be doing with your money, check out WHEB’s impact calculator here.
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You can also find out more about the asset manager, which can invest your ISA, Lifetime ISA or Self-Invested Personal Pension on your behalf, in the Good With Money directory.